To join the National Rehabilitation Association click here.
FRA conforms to the rules and regulations set forth by the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Rehabilitation Association, Inc (NRA).
Our Purpose:
The purpose of the Florida Rehabilitation Association shall be to advance rehabilitation of all persons with disabilities by:
Exercising leadership and identifying the needs of individuals with disabilities, interpreting these needs to society, planning and promoting programs designed to meet these needs, and translating such programs into services at the community level.
Identifying the essential elements in the practice of rehabilitation and fostering the development and application of standards which will help to assure effective services to people with disabilities.
Exercising leadership in developing concepts and practices which will foster interagency and interprofessional activity directed toward helping individuals with disabilities increase their ability to function.
Encouraging the entry of competent and humanitarian individuals into the rehabilitation professions and fostering training opportunities required to make them effective practitioners.
Encouraging the search for improved methods and techniques in the organization, administration, and practice of rehabilitation and fostering the dissemination and evaluation of such findings.
Exercising leadership in removing environmental and legal barriers and overcoming discrimination which keeps people with disabilities from living normal lives and enjoying the rights and benefits that should be the heritage of every American citizen.